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  • Can I join for less than a year?
    Yes, we have short term memberships available if you would like to trial, or are only in the area for a short time. See our membership page for details and visit the library in person to sign up for these options, or contact our toy librarian for further information.
  • Can I visit before I join?
    Yes, please do! You can come and visit any time during our opening hours, or you can view our collection online. Families who join before their first child is six months of age can get six months’ free membership (get an 18-month membership for the cost of an annual membership).
  • How does a toy library work?
    Toy libraries work in much the same manner as a regular library, except that the items for loan are toys, games and puzzles, instead of books. Children and parents visit the library during operating hours, select the items they wish to borrow and check they are in working order and all parts are there. The loan period is three weeks, after which time items must be renewed or returned. Upon return, they are checked to ensure they are clean and in good working order, and then new items can be borrowed. We do have some differences from a regular library: A subscription fee is required to join. We are a community-based organisation with no government funding. Fees cover the cost of purchasing toys, employing a part-time coordinator, insurance and other operational expenses. Members help out in the library on a roster basis and assist with fundraising activities such as sausage sizzles. We’re open for borrowing three times a week.
  • Who uses toy libraries?
    Our toy library caters mostly for younger children (0–7 years), although we do have games and puzzles for older children. You can browse our toy collection online. You can search by age, category, attribute or location.
  • How do I know what toys to choose?
    Check out our toys page for more details on our toy collection. You can also see our full collection where you search by age, category, skill development, status or just browse more than 2000 toys we have on offer. You can also speak with our toy librarian Catherine, she can assist finding a variety of toys to meet your children's interests and skills.
  • Do the toys use batteries?
    Yes, some of our toys do use batteries. Most of them can be played with without batteries, they just won’t have the sounds and lights. If a toy does use batteries, the label will detail what size and how many batteries are required. Before you return the toy you can remove the batteries to use with the next toy you borrow.
  • Can I donate toys?
    Yes, we always welcome donations of good quality toys. Even if the toy is no longer complete, we may have pieces to make it complete, or we may be able to use the pieces for spare parts. The only items we don’t accept are soft toys and books. Read more about the types of donations we accept.
  • Are the toys clean?
    Yes. All members of the toy library take responsibility to return toys clean - because no one wants to borrow a dirty toy! We ask all members to return toys in the condition that they would like to borrow them. We recommend that parents of babies disinfect all items before giving them to their children. Here are the guidelines we ask everyone to follow:
  • I have lost a piece of a toy, what do I do?
    That’s okay, this happens from time to time. You can renew the toy for another two weeks to find the piece. Sometimes the piece may already be noted as missing - be sure to check the bag label or check the toy details online. If you still can’t find it, you pay a fine per piece which is fully refundable if you later find and return the missing piece. This price will vary depending on what the piece is. You can find out more information on our member information page.
  • Do I have to do duty?
    We encourage members to do duty because it’s how we keep the toy library running. It’s also a great way to see all the toys we offer and meet other members. However, we know that family life is busy so we have also created a non-volunteer membership which doesn't require duty, and if you do get busy during the year all other members have paid the duty levy bond of $90 (concession available) which will be kept in place of doing duty. If you complete all the duty hours required, we will deduct the duty levy when you renew your membership, or refund the levy amount when you cancel your membership. If you do not complete the required 6 hours of duty in the year, you will forfeit the duty levy and either be required to pay the full amount when you renew your membership, or not eligible for the levy refund if you decide to cancel your membership.
  • How long is a duty session?
    This varies; stay and play duty at a borrowing session is for two hours. Special event duties which take place at various times throughout the year can range from one to six hours. Committee, in consultation with the coordinator, will determine what hours apply to different duty types. Our coordinator tries to group enough home tasks together to be worth at least 2 hours of duty. To discuss how you can complete your duty please speak with our coordinator.
  • How do I complete my 6 hours of duty?
    There are many ways to complete duty, you can volunteer at a session, help out at new parent talks, events or working bees and more. Here's three ways to find out the opportunities available: Online: Sign up for rostered duty by logging onto SETLS and selecting dates and activities that suit you in the calendar. In the library: Ask when you're borrowing toys or look at the desk for any opportunities to help out. Don't forget to mention if you have skills that can help - sewing, repairing toys, washing, computer skills, child development knowledge, minor electrical repairs are always useful! Join the committee: read more here. We also offer 1 hour duty credit when you refer a friend or if you attend our Annual general meeting.
  • When do I have to complete my duty?
    You have your whole membership year to complete your six hours of duty. We encourage members to complete their duty as soon as possible, so it’s not left until the last month. Login to sign up for duty.
  • Am I the only one that can complete duty?
    No, anyone can complete your duty. They just need to quote your membership surname. We’ve had grandparents, older children, aunts and uncles, and neighbours helping out with duty in the past.
  • Can I bring my children with me when I am on duty?
    Yes you can. Our toy librarian will try to give you tasks that enable you to supervise your children at the same time. Make sure to pack snack food for the little helpers. We have bathroom and change table facilities, and in the past we have also been able to find a quiet room for nap time as well.
  • Can I get toys out for my children to play with while I am on duty?
    Yes, although we suggest you choose toys with fewer pieces as you will need to supervise their play and pack up afterwards.
  • How long can I borrow toys for?
    All membership levels borrow toys for three weeks with an option to renew for another two weeks (except for toys in our ‘Popular’ category which cannot be renewed). You can do this by logging in to your SETLS account.
  • Do you have limits on how many big toys can be borrowed at the same time?
    No, all toys are classified the same with no limits. Some toys are labelled with recommended borrowing ages. The only limits will be whether the toys will fit in the car or on the pram. A rare few toys from our collection will have a status outlining it is more appropriate for certain age groups. I.e for 6 yrs+
  • What if I can't return toys by the due date?
    There are a couple of options: Use our Out-of-hours click and collect service. We currently allow members two opportunities over the week to borrow and return toys using our lockers. With the main requirement being the toys MUST fit in the locker. Or You can renew your toys once for another one-week period by logging in to your account and renewing them yourself. If you need longer than this please contact our toy librarian to discuss options.
  • Will I need a trailer to pick up my party pack?
    In most cases, no. As long as the car is empty, you should be able to fit everything in. It is advisable to allow time for two car trips, just in case! The jumping castle is just two items that will fit in the boot of a car.
  • I have a party coming up, but I don't think I'll use a whole pack?"
    We have a variety of packs to suit different requirements. Check out our party hire page for more details.
  • Can I hire just tables and chairs?
    Yes you can, in either a pack of 6 chairs / 1 table or 12 chairs / 2 tables and even adult size chairs. See our party hire page for more details.
  • What happens if some of the party pack is damaged while I have it on loan?
    Don’t stress – report it to the coordinator when you return the pack. The toy librarian will look over the damage. The committee & toy librarian will decide on the appropriate repair and cost involved. Your bond is held until the team makes a decision.

We acknowledge the Bunurong people of the Kulin Nation as the first people of this land on which we learn, live and play and pay our respects to the elders of past, present and beyond.

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